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Maurice Moloney

Dr. Maurice Moloney is the founder and a Managing Partner of AgriTecKnowledge.
He is an internationally-recognized scientist and businessman. He has spent half of his career in the private sector working in agribusiness and biotechnology. The other half of his career has been as a researcher, research manager and CEO/Executive director in strategic research organizations including Rothamsted, UK and CSIRO, Australia. Most recently he was the CEO of the Global Institute for Food Security, Canada. Dr. Moloney has served as a consultant with a number of major agribusiness companies (Monsanto, Bayer AG) and has transacted business deals with many others. As a biotechnology entrepreneur, Dr. Moloney founded SemBioSys Genetics, a Canadian biotechnology company and took it public in 2004. He has published over 100 original research papers and is the inventor on over 300 issued patents worldwide. His discoveries and intellectual property have resulted in commercial products including RoundUp Ready canola, Omega-6 lipids as nutritional supplements and natural liposomes (oleosomes) for personal care products
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